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June 2017

Masterclass Programmes on Pancreatic Diseases, June, Colombia

June 19, 2017 - June 23, 2017

Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency is a frequent but clearly underdiagnosed life-threatening condition, which is the consequence of different pancreatic as well as extrapancreatic diseases. Chronic pancreatitis, as one of the most relevant causes of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, is underdiagnosed too, and the diagnosis of the disease in early phases is a clinical challenge. Recognition of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency and its causes, and the appropriate therapeutic approach to this condition have a relevant clinical impact on prevention of complications and mortality.  …

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July 2017

Masterclass Programmes on Pancreatic Diseases, July, Argentina

July 3, 2017 - July 7, 2017

Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency is a frequent but clearly underdiagnosed life-threatening condition, which is the consequence of different pancreatic as well as extrapancreatic diseases. Chronic pancreatitis, as one of the most relevant causes of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, is underdiagnosed too, and the diagnosis of the disease in early phases is a clinical challenge. Recognition of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency and its causes, and the appropriate therapeutic approach to this condition have a relevant clinical impact on prevention of complications and mortality.  …

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