Dr. Julio Iglesias-Garcia at the Asian EUS Congress 2017, Mumbai, 7-9 September 2017.
Dr. Julio Iglesias Garcia gave 6 lectures and participate in the live demonstrations at the Asian EUS Congress, organized by Dr. Kherk Yu Ho Lawrence, Amit Maydeo and Vinay Dhir. During the different sessions, more than 300 participants were in 2 different rooms.
Topics covered were:
- Choosing the right needle, in a breakfast session co-chaired with Shyam Varadarajulu.
- Technique: EUS imaging of Portal venous system.
- EUS elastography: Current status.
- EUS-guided Tissue Acquisition: What are the unmet needs?, at the ASGE EUS-SIG SYMPOSIUM.
- How I do it: EUS guided elastography.
- Clinical impact of Elastography, at the Europe Symposium.
- Live demonstration at the Baldota Institute of Digestive Science, Global Hospital, Mumbai.